Welcome to Encoure CCRI, home of our resident journalist’s thoughts and opinions on matters of today’s current events, life trends, financial markets and investments, and – of course, food. Because food is good. I have a lot of thoughts about food.
Today’s food thought, just because it came to mind. My mother in law just brought me a gluten free coffee blueberry type cake that is delicious. We talked about how ice-cream would have been even yummier on top.
We don’t have any ice cream in the house…BUT! I had a container of sour cream (I ONLY use Daisy Sour Cream because it only has ONE ingredient: Cream. No junk!). So, I put a “dollop” of Daisy (part of their slogan by the way) on top of the cake. BINGO! Instant success!
So next time you find yourself with a type of coffee cake, try a dollop of sour cream. Get Daisy. And no, I don’t get paid by the company to say that. It’s simply the best (unless you can find another brand that has only ONE ingredient!). See you soon!