Why Cash Flow is More Important Than Profit?

Why Cash Flow is More Important Than Profit?

In its most fundamental sense, profit may be defined as the percentage that remains after deducting from overall revenue the whole amount spent on running a business. The money left over after expenses have been paid, known as gains, may be retained by the company and used to support future expansion, or it can be paid out to investors in the form of dividends. On the other hand, cash flow describes the movement of funds between and within a business. Money receipts represent influx, while cash spent represents withdrawals.

This article discusses in depth why cash flow is more important than cash flow.

Cash flow refers to funds that are coming into and going out of an organization at any one moment, whereas profit is the income that is left over after subtracting the expenses of doing business. Cash flow is more vital to the days of company operations than profits are, but profits are a better indicator of whether or not your company is successful overall. The company’s inability to generate profits negatively impacts long-term cash flow. Cash Flow aids in bills and debt management.

The risk of incurring more debt is magnified if you depend only on earnings and never put anything away in savings. Outstanding balance and service charges are charged to the original balance when payments are late. Having a steady stream of money coming in will make it much easier to pay off your bills and finally get some relief. Once the loan is repaid, the company will still have cash on hand with which to make investment decisions.

Why Cash Flow is More Important Than Profit?


Forecasting future cash inflows and outflows from known expenses and previous earnings enables financial planning. A cash flow projection may help you anticipate whether you have a shortage or excess cash and adjust your plans accordingly. Knowing how much money is coming in and going out, you can save for greater purchases, invest wisely, and plot out a growth strategy.

Organization Development is Dependent on Cash Flow

Instead of sitting on a few bucks in the bank, it’s smarter to put that money to work growing your company. Instead, expansion supported by reliable cash flow has the potential to provide substantial earnings growth down the road. It bodes well for the company’s future success.

Separating Apart the Success of Individual Divisions Within a Company

Cash flow statements are useful tools for determining which aspects of a firm generate profits, identifying areas in which resources are being wasted, and determining whether or not it is appropriate to expand operations. Through careful monitoring of cash flow statements, a firm is, therefore, able to monitor and make decisions on which sectors of the firm to invest more in or which ones to improve.

Cash Flow is Vital in Decision Making

A business operator can know how much money the firm has with a financial statement. Any goals and judgments they make need precise data. If a firm doesn’t monitor cash flow properly, it may make unwise company judgments. A cash flow statement may demonstrate that your firm isn’t doing well when you think it is. You may not have billed clients. With something like a financial statement, you’ll be able to avoid making capital investments when unnecessary.

Financial Stability and Company Reputation

A lack of accessible money may prevent you from paying your suppliers on time if you are experiencing cash flow issues. If this happens, it may negatively impact your professional relationship with them and your brand’s reputation as a whole. Establish regular payment schedules to make sure you can pay your vendors on time. You must prepare ahead, so you don’t end yourself with a pile of unpaid bills or invoices all at once.

Why Cash Flow is More Important Than Profit?

Insight in Cash Spending

By handling your cash flow well, you’ll learn things about your business’s spending habits that aren’t shown in the profits and losses statement. Knowing the specific destination and purpose of your financial outlays is crucial. Keeping a close eye on your cash flow is crucial, even though it might be difficult to notice your expenses in black and white. There may be places in the company where you might save money.

Cash Flow Helps Convince New Investors

The ability of a company to maintain consistent amounts of profitability, operating earnings, and working capital is indicative of the company’s potential value. Investors are more likely to want to work with these types of firms since they can better maintain a healthy proportion in their fiscal profiles.

Cash Flow Indicates Progress

Cash flow, as opposed to profits, is a better indicator of where your company is financial. It is impossible to make it seem as if the company is expanding when this is not the case. Because of this, firm shareholders and financiers like to judge the state of a company’s finances primarily on how much cash is coming in and going out of the company.

Top Five Ethical Practices for Your Business

Top Five Ethical Practices for Your Business

The world has been perpetually changing and with it, so has business. Some hard-and-fast ethical guidelines have been in place for centuries such as, “thou shalt not steal” or, “thou shalt not murder.” These moral codes are a great starting point from which to build your company’s ethics and values but they’re unlikely to cover all circumstances.

There are numerous factors that can be considered when investigating ethical practices; this is just a small fraction of what you’ll need to know as your business grows: It’s crucial to know the difference between ethics and values. Ethics are a set of standards that govern how you conduct business based on the fundamental principles of honesty and integrity. Values, on the other hand, are your choices regarding what’s important to you; they’re personal beliefs or principles that steer your ethical decisions.

Conversely, it’s easy to get side-tracked from your core values and change your ethics to fit the company’s expectations. Imagine that an e-commerce business is selling clothing and accessories made from a material known for its harmful chemical content. A quality control expert might be able to find certain chemicals in the item at a rate of 10% or less, but it also contains a number of other toxins that are more harmful than the original chemical. The product will be marked with the warning label reading, “Warning! This product contains chemicals that may cause cancer or birth defects.

Top Five Ethical Practices for Your Business

Top Five Ethical Practices for Your Business

1. Show Respect

No one person or entity is better than another. You must show respect to all your employees, even if they’ve done something wrong.

This doesn’t mean that you should condone bad behavior or turn a blind eye towards misconduct, but rather you need to look at what could have been done differently on your end. It’s important to keep an open mind and review previously established policies to see if there are any gaps in your judgement.

2. Listen To Feedback

To know if your employees have complaints about work, simply ask them. If you’re still unsure about the extent of the problem, put a survey to a vote. The survey results will speak for themselves and you will know how serious things are before taking action on their behalf.

You should make nothing official without the input of employees, however. If you don’t hear their voices, they may just not be that important after all. It never hurts to ask, though.

3. Keep Your Word

You’ve made a promise to a client, so it is within your best interests as well as the client’s to keep it.
If you’re in charge of meeting up with someone from the other side of the world, don’t cancel on them at the last minute because it would be inconvenient for you. If you promise that you’ll be back in two hours and there is no need for rush hour traffic in order to do so, then go ahead and stick to your schedule.

4. Foster A Culture Of Trust

It’s hard to know where to start when building trust with your employees, but a good place is with transparency and honesty. Make sure that everything is out in the open and that employees know what to expect during all stages of the work cycle. It is also important to understand that some people are naturally more trusting than others, so it’s best to avoid making judgements about other employees before you’ve met them.

This is a general quotation from the Hippocratic Oath. The ethical core of medical practice is not to harm or do damage but rather to help and heal those in need. By applying this philosophy, you will be able to give your customers and employees that extra bit of confidence that they need in times of uncertainty or doubt.

5. Carry The Load

If you want your business to succeed, you have to be willing to give up some of yourself along the way. You must be a leader who can continually motivate and inspire your employees; this means taking on stress that was once theirs and not just sitting back and letting them deal with things as they are.

Top Five Ethical Practices for Your Business

Final Verdict

Business is a never-ending learning process, so there’s no way to have all the answers from day one. However, if you know what the answers are and if you take the time to be fully informed, ethical boundaries can be effectively established in your business. It’s important to have a culture that is open to learning and changing along the way but the good news is you can earn the respect and trust of those around you with a little work.

Business ethics refers to an ethical framework relating to business that applies standards of right and wrong, particularly in regard to business conduct such as honesty, selfishness, fairness, justice and integrity, as well as deception and unfair actions such as theft or exploitation. Business ethics (business ethics) are the codified values that serve as the basis for conduct within the fields of commerce. The term “business ethics” was coined by Julian H.

Entrepreneur: What It Means to Be One and How to Get Started?

Entrepreneur: What It Means to Be One and How to Get Started?

One definition of the word “entrepreneur” is someone who starts, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise. An entrepreneur identifies an opportunity and creates something from nothing, taking your ideas and turning them into reality. Being an entrepreneur is not just about commencing a business. For entrepreneurs to succeed in the market, their start-up idea must be more than just superficial.

Entrepreneur: What It Means to Be One and How to Get Started?

How to Become an Entrepreneur

1. Identify the Right Business for you

Entrepreneurs who want to start their businesses should determine what they are good at and where they want to take their careers in the long run. For example, if you think you have great ideas but are a little limited on resources and skills when executing business ideas, then building a non-profit organization might be the right choice for you.

2. Have a Business Plan

Building a business plan is crucial in the planning process of starting a new entrepreneurial endeavor. Without a plan, you won’t know what you are getting yourself into when you start down the road of entrepreneurship. A business plan will outline your working methods and expectations from your venture. It will also make it easier for investors to understand your idea and guide you through the start-up process.

3. Know Your Target Audience

When starting a new business, it is crucial to know your potential customers. When you start building your business plan, it should be the first thing you think about. How will you reach your target audience? A good way to attain this is to go out and talk to some of the people in your community who have been in similar situations as yours.
If your idea is going to be successful, it must align with the needs and interests of an audience. To create a business that meets these expectations, you must know what your target audience wants and needs. Without anticipating the demands of consumers, you will have little success bridging the gap between you and your customers.

4. Build a Support Network

Building a network is a great way to help a budding business grow. You may find that your friends, family, or coworkers have valuable knowledge you can share with them as they start their businesses. All you need to do is ask. People are willing to assist each other and make things easier if they know there is support from others.
The support network you build will help you through the process of starting a new entrepreneurial venture. You need to have trust in the people around you and find someone with a good deal of knowledge in the field you are planning on venturing into. Having someone who will give you real advice about your business idea can make or break your start-up. 

Entrepreneur: What It Means to Be One and How to Get Started?

The Attributes to consider for one Become an Entrepreneurs

1. Have the Zeal.

One of the essential attributes needed to become an entrepreneur is the drive to build a company; the desire to start your own business can be challenging to find. Some may be interested in starting their own business but do not know where to start because it seems too complex and expensive. Others may strongly desire to start their own business but lack the confidence or skills necessary.

2. Passionate

Being passionate about your business is not just a reflection of the desire to start a company. A passion for your business helps you become productive and focused and can eliminate any distractions that may arise from day-to-day tasks. Many entrepreneurs gain strength from their work, but not all can use it this way. A passion for your idea will help guide you through the tough times when mistakes or big decisions have to be made.

3. Make Wise Decisions

While you may have a passion for your business, this does not necessarily mean you can make good decisions. You need to be able to make the distinction between something that might be unattainable and something that may be worth pursuing. To find the difference, ask yourself: “What do I want from my business?” If the answer is “I just want to start my own company,” then chances are you need to reassess what you’re trying to accomplish and whether or not your idea will work.


The act of entrepreneurship is one filled with risk and rewards. An essential thing to keep in mind is that you can develop these skills with experience. You do not have to be born with the ability to run your own business or start a new idea. Many professional mentors and resources are available from governments, non-profit organizations, and private sector companies willing to help you succeed as an entrepreneur. If you think you have the quality and ability to become an entrepreneur, the sooner you start, the better because the time you spend waiting may be the time you cannot get back.

What Are Five Advantages of Entrepreneurship?

What Are Five Advantages of Entrepreneurship?

Starting a new business enterprise is exciting but also daunting. There are numerous things to consider before leaping into entrepreneurship. What are some advantages of starting your own company?

There are five main reasons entrepreneurs often start their businesses over working for someone else. They offer greater freedom, flexibility, control, opportunity, and independence.

Entrepreneurship has become necessary in today’s society because we value self-sufficiency and personal autonomy. If you want to pursue your entrepreneurial dreams, remember these five advantages.

What Are Five Advantages of Entrepreneurship?

1. Flexibility

Starting a business offers more choices than working for someone else. You can decide when, where, and how much work you will do daily. Additionally, you have complete control over your income. Some people prefer having greater flexibility as they can set their schedules and establish their hours. Because no boss is telling you what to do or when to get up in the morning, you can be at peace with yourself if you don’t like your job. This may not always be true, but it’s worth considering.

In addition to being free from the demands of an employer, you also benefit by being able to work on your terms. You won’t be subjected to deadlines that you must meet or quotas that you need to achieve. Instead, you’ll focus only on doing a good job.

2. Autonomy

The most significant advantage of entrepreneurship is being able to make your own decisions and take charge of your life. You’ll never be forced to spend time and money on something that doesn’t interest you, nor will you be forced to follow someone else’s rules. When you start your own business, you’re responsible for everything from the products you sell to how you market them.

When you join a corporation or other organization, you must follow its policies and procedures. It’s easy to feel limited by this kind of structure. However, there’s nothing wrong with joining someone else’s business if you enjoy the work and think it’s worthwhile. But if you’re looking for greater autonomy, you should look toward entrepreneurship.

You still answer to higher powers, such as investors who may provide capital, clients who buy your product or service and even customers who purchase your goods. But since you make all those decisions, you have total control over how well you perform.

3. Defining your income

Many people dream about becoming wealthy through their business ventures. But few realize that earning much money isn’t necessarily part of the equation. Sure, money is involved in any successful venture, but many people find that the real reward comes from defining their incomes and determining how they use those funds.

Instead of receiving a paycheck every two weeks, you could receive one large payment after finishing a project. Or perhaps you’d rather receive paychecks based on the amount of work completed than the number of hours worked. Whatever method works best for you will determine how much you earn. And if you make a mistake, you won’t lose thousands of dollars due to taxes; you keep whatever profit remains.

4. Enjoying your work

Many people believe that people who run their businesses aren’t happy because they miss spending time with family and friends. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Entrepreneurs love the challenge of running their businesses, so they’re usually very productive and enthusiastic about their work.

One reason they find work fulfilling is because they know that every decision they make has a positive impact on their bottom line. After all, there’s no point in starting a business if you don’t expect to earn profits. Consequently, entrepreneurs are proud of their accomplishments and excited to share their successes with others.

Many successful entrepreneurs also enjoy helping others succeed through mentoring programs. As long as people are willing to learn new skills, they can help teach others to become self-reliant entrepreneurs.

What Are Five Advantages of Entrepreneurship?

5. Improving standards of living

An added benefit of entrepreneurship is that it allows you to improve the standard of living in your area. If you live in an economically depressed region, becoming an entrepreneur could be the best solution for your situation.

Businesses often create economic growth in cities and towns by creating jobs and wealth. When economies grow, residents’ incomes increase, which leads to more spending power. This puts money back into local communities, creating a virtuous cycle that helps everyone involved.

Another way entrepreneurship improves the quality of life is through increased job security. Most employees can only count on getting hired again next year. A business owner, however, has the potential to keep growing indefinitely.

The list above highlights five reasons why being an entrepreneur is advantageous. However, not all people who start their businesses will succeed. People who want to pursue this option should first understand what types of companies are available to them. They need to evaluate the pros and cons of each type before deciding which field to enter.

The other important consideration is choosing the right entrepreneurial opportunity for themselves. It is crucial to understand what personality traits are required to thrive as an entrepreneur and when people would most likely fail. Finally, many people think that being an entrepreneur requires loads of money. While that is true to some extent, having enough funds to get started can be easier said than done. Therefore, people must weigh their financial situations against the benefits of being an entrepreneur.

Sharing our Thoughts at Encore CCRI

Welcome to Encoure CCRI, home of our resident journalist’s thoughts and opinions on matters of today’s current events, life trends, financial markets and investments, and – of course, food. Because food is good. I have a lot of thoughts about food.

Today’s food thought, just because it came to mind. My mother in law just brought me a gluten free coffee blueberry type cake that is delicious. We talked about how ice-cream would have been even yummier on top.

We don’t have any ice cream in the house…BUT! I had a container of sour cream (I ONLY use Daisy Sour Cream because it only has ONE ingredient: Cream. No junk!). So, I put a “dollop” of Daisy (part of their slogan by the way) on top of the cake. BINGO! Instant success!

So next time you find yourself with a type of coffee cake, try a dollop of sour cream. Get Daisy. And no, I don’t get paid by the company to say that. It’s simply the best (unless you can find another brand that has only ONE ingredient!). See you soon!